Ressocialização Eficaz

Investindo na inclusão social desde a infância para transformar vidas e reduzir a criminalidade.

Serviços de Ressocialização

Promovemos a inclusão social e a ressocialização do indivíduo desde a infância até a vida adulta.

An informational signboard mounted on a metal stand, set against a textured stone wall. The board is titled 'North Segregation and Death Row - 1858' and provides historical information about a prison, including images of the building, interior corridors, and an electric chair. There is text detailing the history and some notable events related to the prison experience and its segregation unit. Below the main sign, there is a QR code with a small label mentioning 'Look Inside!' and 'Move 360 Solitary.'
An informational signboard mounted on a metal stand, set against a textured stone wall. The board is titled 'North Segregation and Death Row - 1858' and provides historical information about a prison, including images of the building, interior corridors, and an electric chair. There is text detailing the history and some notable events related to the prison experience and its segregation unit. Below the main sign, there is a QR code with a small label mentioning 'Look Inside!' and 'Move 360 Solitary.'
Apoio à Família

Oferecemos suporte aos familiares para facilitar a reintegração do detento ao convívio social.

Educação e Inclusão

Desenvolvemos programas educativos para garantir uma base sólida desde os primeiros anos escolares.

Capacitação Profissional

Realizamos oficinas de capacitação para preparar o egresso para o mercado de trabalho.